Sales is Still Work

Well how are you today/tonight/whatever? I’m doing ok.
Let me tell you a little more about my new job. It’s still a job. If you are one who looks down on sales people as those who don’t work – you’re wrong. This stuff doesn’t just happen by itself. You know that old saying (very very very old) that says:
“Build a better mouse trap, and the world will beat a path to your door.”
Well that may have been true a really long time ago. Probably only when there were no mouse traps, then someone invented it. Presto! There was the instant stream of mouse ravaged customers beating a path. But the guy next door, he noticed the trap builder just sitting around half the time, and counting his trap money. So the next guy goes into the trap business. Then another. Etc. Now you can have the best digital trap around, but you have to let your mouse infested public know a few things.
1 – Your trap is better, but doesn’t cost that much more – it’s a far better value.
2 – Yours has a better guarantee.
3 – You offer free shipping.
4 – You will take the competitors worthless busted traps as a trade in
5 – You will come and take the dead mice out for them.
If all this is true, but you don’t shout it from the rooftops, and the other guy has a bigger sign, the mouse public suffers, because they unknowingly buy his cheesy (Ha Ha!) traps and miss out on your better made, guaranteed, freely shipped, we empty units. And then you go out of business because you have to keep a staff of emptyers ready, and people are dumping their own dead mice because they didn’t know that they didn’t have to.
SO, it’s my job to call and call and call and visit and call. Quote, quote, quote. Call, call, call. Quote.
My mouse traps are better because . . . . . . . . . . . etc.
So anyway it’s still a job, but i like it better anyway. I am getting past the confusion stage, and starting into the production phase. I get to talk to people all day, instead of machines and myself as i make things work. So far, so good.
I’ll keep you posted.