Now the bigger one, that is my main shed. If you burn wood for heat, i recommend one like this. note first the orientation. This is a solar shed. it faces almost due south. So here in the northern hemisphere the sun shines into the shed all winter, and most of the spring and fall. The roof keeps off rain & snow, the sun warms it and helps things dry. The size is large enough to pile wood on either side with room to operate in between. (around 8 ft deep x 12 ft wide, little over 9 ft tall in front). The left side is from last year, maybe cut/split around 18 months ago. The right side is what i started cutting this year before the snow stopped me.
This thing is a solar wood factory. doesn’t cost me a nickel to operate. Some day i may convert it into a full blown solar kiln. Pretty sure if i make some kind of clear front cover the temp would soar well over 100. Well anyway build yourself one. You’ll be glad u did. even if its smaller, make your woodshed open sided and face the sun.