In order to concentrate the effort, i select the strongest straightest shoot. The others are removed. We will see how this works out.
My theory is better one fat healthy trunk than a bunch of little ones all dividing the strength of the tree.
In order to concentrate the effort, i select the strongest straightest shoot. The others are removed. We will see how this works out.
My theory is better one fat healthy trunk than a bunch of little ones all dividing the strength of the tree.
check this shot of my cars OAT reading:
It hasn’t been this nice since, since, since – well a really long time.
Out for a drive today i saw a large raptor (hawk not dinosaur) floating a thermal. SWEET! thats hot air rising baby!!
Hey just about everybody i know is longing for the end of winter and the start of spring. Ok not just about, EVERYBODY.
but look at what we all want. The end of winter and start of spring. Kind of like if a tree falls in the forest and no ones there does it make any noise?
If we weren’t sick of winter would we really welcome spring so heartily? Would we notice? Would it actually be spring without winter to contrast it to? Would u b thinking about all this if i were not asking u? I’m not sure what u would b thinking, but THERE CAN B NO SPRING WITHOUT WINTER.
Yes your’e right, i didn’t take these pictures. One of the offspring did. But how awesome is the fact that anyone can take pictures, have them available instantly, send them anywhere, keep thousands of them on a little stick, etc. Some things about this digital age are really cool.
Lets talk about wood. Specifically firewood. About heating with firewood. First of all, this is a good thing. Its good for you. Great exercise, helps keep u connected to reality, (usually) saves money. Its good for the environment. When u burn wood, u r not adding to your ‘carbon footprint’ becuz when a tree grows it pulls carbon out of thin air (co2 actually) to use and convert into what it needs. A tree is really a pollution removal factory (no wonder they r called plants! Like i work at a yogurt plant u kno?) Hey sorry but remember i’m trying to entertain u remember?
So anyway heating with firewood is awesome! We will develop why, and how best to do it in some future installments.
Till later – Have a great day!
Listen, most of you probably don’t know this. My blog has been around for years. Started in 2007. But not done consistently. And a huge gap from 2009 to 2014 (Yikes!)
So we just did a software update. a huge jump and it was just easier to copy all the posts and blast the site. Vaporize everything and load the new software.
I will be putting the old entries back into place, with their correct original date. Hopefully it won’t take me too long. So u will see the number of posts grow. Backwards in time. Magically. we use computers and software for this stuff.
Hope u have a chance to go back and read what i wrote b4. OK watch for the good old stuff. I will also put out a current post to announce when all the old stuff is in place.
Well i guess i’ve just made the break out of the stone age. Was using a real old ver of wordpress. Not good to let ur blog go stale. Stale bad. So i is determined to not do that no mo.
back in 2007 i started this site. having ignored it since 2009, i now want to reactivate it. wish me luck.