Category Archives: Blogging

Things related to Blogs & Blogging

You don’t really care about this post

So if no one will care about this post why do it?  Well because its like a marker in time for me.  Even though i have been blogging for years, it was just last nite that i looked up the difference between “Categories” and “Tags”.   that made me realize i have way too many categories.  So im cleaning house here. getting better organized.  Just removed a few.  may trim out some more without even asking you.  anyway you almost certainly don’t care, do you?

Happy Easter btw.     HE IS RISEN!!

OK the official restart of the blog. Ready, set, GO!

So this started as an update to the “Read Here Please” page. Then i got moving along and decided it should b a post.  So it may have great similarities to that info page.

This blog has been running since 2007.  little action then ignored since 2009.  Brief flurry in 2014.  Now its 2018. That’s an even bigger gap huh.  Well now i might have a little more time as i am now, as i like to put it “semi-retired”.

Of course that also means its time to clean my (legendary) basement.  Ya legendary for being stuffed with stuff.  I will not admit to being a hoarder, but i also got the habit from my dad, who was raised in the depression, not to throw out anything that is still good.  So that’s like a pretty relative term, still good.  Apparently just about anything i pick up is still good.  So we are not talking about cleaning out the basement in a weekend.  If i get it to what an innocent wanderer would consider fairly neat i’m thinking like 6 months work.

So I think the difference between me and a hoarder is variety.  I think hoarders stick to mostly one thing.  Like a house filled with newspapers, or magazines.  or old rags. I’m pretty sure there are people out there with boxes and boxes of old toothbrushes right?  Those folks have the sickness.  surely a person doesn’t need more than say 2 for your mouth and maybe 10 to clean things with.

And i know for a fact that tools are never bad to get and keep more of.  Hand tools and power tools, never go out of style. Fix repair build etc, u always need tools.  I will b passing tools down to the grand kids.

Anyway i do hope to spend time also on the good old blog here. Wish me luck, i may need it.

Busy Busy

I must apologize for my lack of entertainment lately.

There is so much to do when u are recovering from a sucky too long winter and prepping for a busy summer in the middle of still earning a living by trading your hours for pay and wishing u could be done with that and trying to get the yard ready for building a garage while being slightly jealous of two-thirds of your offspring who already have one at the same time as watching Netflix too much becuz u love scifi and fantasy and then weeding out some of your cue as it seems too long a list even though the stuff u got rid of would likely b entertaining if only i could stay up 24 hours straight maybe i could get more things done.

hey who says long sentences r bad, confusing, fragmented unclear etc?

i just found this cool parable for writing, i like it take a look.

Look Here



LOTR – filmed in NZ

I heard a rumor that my roving correspondent may have been holding out on me.  Or perhaps he doesn’t realize that Lord of the Rings is excellent material for a blog.

So I put out a special request to the R C – please send along any and all media relating to LOTR.

People await with quivering anticipation.

Digital Cameras

Hey this is a blast from the past.  The not too distant past.  Wabak in October 2002.  These pictures were taken when our family just got a digital camera.  Some of the first shots taken by it.  So that’s what, eleven and a half years?  In the digital age we are in that’s like an eon and a half.  Take a look:

Img0013 Img0012 Img0011 Img0015

Yes your’e right, i didn’t take these pictures.  One of the offspring did.  But how awesome is the fact that anyone can take pictures, have them available instantly, send them anywhere, keep thousands of them on a little stick, etc. Some things about this digital age are really cool.

On the Links

Well heres a few more shots from New Zealand. U might see this sight all over the US. I include it because i asked for pictures of whatever my correspondent was up to, and because this weather were having here is too cold too long. Pretty sure most people would like to be able to visit your local put put if u could.
Makes me want to go pro. Can u make it a living off mini golf?

Stick Dudes

Hey just thought I’d show you my old graphic. These guys are part of a header from when I originally started the blog. So it’s a little like a time warp. That’s a lot different from a warp drive, though both distort time.

Hope I’m showing some improvement. They r a little bit crude.