Category Archives: Internet

u kno what the internet is, don’t u?

You don’t really care about this post

So if no one will care about this post why do it?  Well because its like a marker in time for me.  Even though i have been blogging for years, it was just last nite that i looked up the difference between “Categories” and “Tags”.   that made me realize i have way too many categories.  So im cleaning house here. getting better organized.  Just removed a few.  may trim out some more without even asking you.  anyway you almost certainly don’t care, do you?

Happy Easter btw.     HE IS RISEN!!

Busy Busy

I must apologize for my lack of entertainment lately.

There is so much to do when u are recovering from a sucky too long winter and prepping for a busy summer in the middle of still earning a living by trading your hours for pay and wishing u could be done with that and trying to get the yard ready for building a garage while being slightly jealous of two-thirds of your offspring who already have one at the same time as watching Netflix too much becuz u love scifi and fantasy and then weeding out some of your cue as it seems too long a list even though the stuff u got rid of would likely b entertaining if only i could stay up 24 hours straight maybe i could get more things done.

hey who says long sentences r bad, confusing, fragmented unclear etc?

i just found this cool parable for writing, i like it take a look.

Look Here



Netflix / Star Trek IV

Just a free plug for Netflix.  I watch lots of TV and most of it involves Netflix.  Today I have on Start Trek IV, The Voyage Home.

Kirk & company save earth by slingshoting around the sun to reach speed allowing time travel, come back to our century and pick up some Humpback Whales.  Then return to the 23rd century and re-establish the Humpback as a species, which had been hunted to extinction.

The whales were able to respond to an alien probe sent to communicate with them, that was damaging earth with its powerful transmissions.  Thus saving the earth because the alien probe stops vaporizing the oceans.

See, Star Trek isn’t that far fetched.

Awesome stuff.  Love Netflix.

Fish & Chips (from up north)

Well my friend has gone north just like i told u he would. And is in Christchurch New Zealand. Like a good roving corespondent, he’s checking out the local sights and things to do. A little later today we will put up some pics of the countryside. But he made a point to let me know he had a great lunch of fish and chips. His companion had been to the place before and liked it. Repeat business says something. So if u r hungry for some fish and chips (their other food also looks top notch) and u happen to be in Christchurch City, may i suggest this fine establishment:

Pegasus Arms Restaurant and Bar
14 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch City, NZ

Farewell to South Pole


Well my friend has departed the bottom continent. Nice shot out the plane window, huh? He’s my roving correspondent. We may have some other shots to share of the way way down. For now lets just say he has left Antarctica behind. Stay tuned for a little something from a little farther north. After all north is pretty much the only way to go, if u r way way down there.

We will use the wayback machine, that’s how

Listen, most of you probably don’t know this.  My blog has been around for years.  Started in 2007.  But not done consistently.  And a huge gap from 2009 to 2014 (Yikes!)

So we just did a software update.  a huge jump and it was just easier to copy all the posts and blast the site.  Vaporize everything and load the new software.

I will be putting the old entries back into place, with their correct original date.  Hopefully it won’t take me too long.  So u will see the number of posts grow.  Backwards in time.  Magically.  we use computers and software for this stuff.

Hope u have a chance to go back and read what i wrote b4.  OK watch for the good old stuff.  I will also put out a current post to announce when all the old stuff is in place.