Category Archives: Life

Similar to real world, but more related to people. Hows Life?

Clear Sky Morning

Here is a shot of the sun coming up i took on my way home:


Note the clear cloudless sky!  only one thing wrong when u have a clear cloudless sky in winter:


Stinkin cold!  An end to this I say!!  Lets get spring in here ASAP.

Thanks for listening.


New Zealand Life

Well here’s a few more shots from my roving correspondent. He had some lamb souvlaki from Dimitris food Wagon and said it was tasty.


This is a tram to help you get around Christchurch.


If you ever get to go there this sculpture is known as the chalice.


And here’s my favorite shot. This is the Avon river. Folks enjoy boat rides, kayaking or simply the view.


Thanks roving correspondent!  Carry on!

Grill Pan – Test Tonite

Hey i just bought this pan the other day.  Lovely wife is out right now getting a steak to try it out with.  Will update this post later with picture of the steak, and report on what we think of this option to trying to fire up the grill when the outdoor temp is 17 deg F.

The pan after cooking duty.


OK, here’s the steak we cooked, 



and my plate before enjoying the meal.



Don’t drool on your electronics.

I would recommend a grill pan added to your cooking arsenal.  Not as good as an outdoor grill, but when its too nasty outdoors to grill there, a grill pan is a great option to have.


Blood and Gore

Well this is about something a little unpleasant.  actually quite unpleasant.  No not a horror flick, not a bad accident.  The title is quite accurate however.

I went and got my teeth cleaned today.

I do brush my teeth.  not enough.  I know what floss is.  Really strong string.  You really have to trust your dental hygienist as they use finely pointed steel and pull really hard, inside your mouth.

They also did a check of my gum detachment.  That’s a really fun thing too.  they put a metal probe between your gum and tooth until it hits bottom and note how deep it went in.  repeat for both sides of every tooth.

It feels, well, not too nice.

So today i got a new weapon in the fight against plaque.  Wish me luck, in taking better care of the chompers.


Fish & Chips (from up north)

Well my friend has gone north just like i told u he would. And is in Christchurch New Zealand. Like a good roving corespondent, he’s checking out the local sights and things to do. A little later today we will put up some pics of the countryside. But he made a point to let me know he had a great lunch of fish and chips. His companion had been to the place before and liked it. Repeat business says something. So if u r hungry for some fish and chips (their other food also looks top notch) and u happen to be in Christchurch City, may i suggest this fine establishment:

Pegasus Arms Restaurant and Bar
14 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch City, NZ

Farewell to South Pole


Well my friend has departed the bottom continent. Nice shot out the plane window, huh? He’s my roving correspondent. We may have some other shots to share of the way way down. For now lets just say he has left Antarctica behind. Stay tuned for a little something from a little farther north. After all north is pretty much the only way to go, if u r way way down there.