Category Archives: Praise

LOTR – Edoras

So i spoke with the roving correspondent and he came through with the pictures of the location in New Zealand where some of Lord of the Rings was filmed.


This rocky dome is where Edoras was built.  The realm of King Theoden, Rohan was the country, Edoras was its city.


This shows a pic of Eowin on the platform outside the Kings dwelling.


and the same view without the LOTR additions, the Southern Alps of New Zealand.

The Mansion 04

While we stayed at the mansion, we did have to share the place with the occupants.  They were very low key however, and pretty much kept to themselves.  It was like our family were the only people there.




Again I did so much appreciate our stay at the place, it made that holiday very special for all of us.




The Mansion 03

Great Room Fireplace


From Kitchen into Living room (Great Room)


Sunrise off the overlook


The Great Room adjoined the kitchen. Our time was almost entirely spent in these two rooms. Eating great food and enjoying the fam in an awesome place. We were truly blessed to stay there. The wife & i expected to be in the apartment our offspring lived in during college. The kids surprised us with the stay at this place.

Waaaayy Cool!

The Mansion 02

Two shots of a towel


If u look at the first pic, u can see the same towel thats hanging over the shower.  Yes these two spaces are actually both part of the master bath. Probably equal to the size of some living rooms.


Shower is large enough that it doesn’t need a shower curtain. What a cool place to wash up.

The Mansion 01

A few years back when my kids were in college we had the privilege to spend Thanksgiving in this beautiful home.  I’m not sure when a house can b called mansion, but to me this qualifies.  These pictures are all from the upper level which was very spacious, but there was also a lower level with about 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.  Maybe more, i’m not too sure, as i didn’t take pictures downstairs and spent by far most of my time upstairs.




This place was amazing and it was a great privilege to stay there.


LOTR – filmed in NZ

I heard a rumor that my roving correspondent may have been holding out on me.  Or perhaps he doesn’t realize that Lord of the Rings is excellent material for a blog.

So I put out a special request to the R C – please send along any and all media relating to LOTR.

People await with quivering anticipation.

Netflix / Star Trek IV

Just a free plug for Netflix.  I watch lots of TV and most of it involves Netflix.  Today I have on Start Trek IV, The Voyage Home.

Kirk & company save earth by slingshoting around the sun to reach speed allowing time travel, come back to our century and pick up some Humpback Whales.  Then return to the 23rd century and re-establish the Humpback as a species, which had been hunted to extinction.

The whales were able to respond to an alien probe sent to communicate with them, that was damaging earth with its powerful transmissions.  Thus saving the earth because the alien probe stops vaporizing the oceans.

See, Star Trek isn’t that far fetched.

Awesome stuff.  Love Netflix.

What Lies Beneath 04

Most of the formations in the cavern have stopped growing.  The geologists tell us that these amazing things grow, stop, shrink according to the slow drip of water and the chemistry of the water. This one is called the Crystal Dome.  It is still active and you can see its wet, it sits in a pool, and that really makes it all the more beautiful.

The Crystal Dome.




Now here’s what may b the most amazing fact about this whole series: Carlsbad Cavern is a public treasure that u can visit.  The oldest known in the region it was found (by white men) over a hundred years ago.  But there are many others nearby that the park service is exploring.  The area where this cave is located is laced with many caverns like this.  This is just the tip of the stone iceberg.

Series links:  01 02 03 04

Oahu, Waikiki

Ah, the roving correspondent is officially back in the States.  If you have been following his progress he was at the south pole, and lately has been moving further and further north.  Because if you leave the south pole, u pretty much have to. Go north that is.

Wiakiki 1

Waikiki 2

Waikiki 3

If you look at the first picture u can see Diamond Head.  It’s the peak of the volcano that formed the island.  Though it doesn’t look very tall from the picture it is the island’s highest point.  I have visited this island, it is totally awesome.  I even surfed.  You should too if u ever have the chance.