Category Archives: Praise

Wood is Good 01

Lets talk about wood. Specifically firewood. About heating with firewood. First of all, this is a good thing. Its good for you. Great exercise, helps keep u connected to reality, (usually) saves money. Its good for the environment. When u burn wood, u r not adding to your ‘carbon footprint’ becuz when a tree grows it pulls carbon out of thin air (co2 actually) to use and convert into what it needs. A tree is really a pollution removal factory (no wonder they r called plants! Like i work at a yogurt plant u kno?) Hey sorry but remember i’m trying to entertain u remember?

So anyway heating with firewood is awesome! We will develop why, and how best to do it in some future installments.

Till later – Have a great day!

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Keys in the snow

Got a call from my son. – u have a metal detector dont u? He was on a snow removal chore & realized he dropped a pair of keys. We just got about 16″ of snow. Brought over the detector then had to call my friend who had given it to me. Well we weren’t too sure about what we were doing, but in like five minutes we had the keys found. Big shout out “Thanks!” to Wayne for the tech support.

New Phone

Hurray! I can see my contacts again!
My previous phone had lost the display. So over 200 contacts – inaccessible.
Phone still worked, and luckily my family was still accessible via the one key speed dials. Also they all had a different ring so i could tell it was one of them calling.
But how many people do you know who keep a printout of their contact list, so they can manually enter the numbers? Yeah, i thought so.
Fortunately my new phone waiting period was up just 2 weeks after this occurred. So this morning, a little bleary eyed, i went to the phone store and picked up a new LG Chocolate 3. So far this is a really cool phone – and – i can see my contacts again!
It’s just pathetic we rely on these gizmos so much. Why, back when i was a boy . . . . well you know. Let’s face it we all love (more or less) our phones, and especially the convenience.
Hopefully my next post will be more useful. I just wanted to let someone know of my relief of having a new, cool WORKING phone.
Maybe i should get the insurance – but it just seems way overpriced to me.

Stick to the Knitting

Well how are you? I am sorry i haven’t been communicating much lately.
My life is again changing. Or should i say i am returning. Going back. Starting back to the front. I recall when i worked at ‘the corporation’ one time they said they were going to do what they knew and did best – they were going to “stick to the knitting”. This is from the book “in search of excellence” and it is what i am doing with this move.
Let’s just say i agree with myself in my last post. I started a new job gig. Another company has hired me. I get to go back to my natural teching occupation. I have been very fortunate to find a spot that i think may be really nice.
It’s a new dairy plant. Just built, or actually still being added onto. My job will be maintenance. 10 Air handlers, 2 boilers, 5 chillers, misc pumps, HXs, vavs, vfds, etc etc. A Siemens control system to learn. And loads of PLC based controls for all the dairy process equipment.
Worst downside – 1 hour commute. I know, gross. Especially with the price of gas touching $4.00. But time wise there is good news. I get to work 12 hour days.
How in the world is that good, you ask? Well that means I work only 7 12s in a two week stretch. I also have 7 off. It is concentrated work – whenever i go in i work the equivalent of a day and a half. It goes like this: 2 on, 2 off, 3 on, 2 off, 2 on, 3 off – repeat. In other words, i work tues, wed, off thurs, fri, work sat, sun, mon, off tues, wed, work thurs, fri, off sat, sun, mon. Repeat.
Bottom line, my old job i had to be there 9 hrs (8+ unpaid lunch)+ (2×25min) commute. Roughly 10 hour days.
New job, 12 hr day (paid lunch brk!) + (2×1hr) commute. 14 hr days
in a 2 wk block: old job 10×10 = 100 hrs new job 14×7 = 98 hrs.
Oh yeah, night shift, 6pm-6am. Some of you may have just barfed. But look at it this way – i get EVERY day off. True i have to sleep sometime but so do you. I just have more options. Also more $$. new pay/ old pay = 1.73 yes over 70% more! And doing what i was born to – tech heaven!
Anyway i should have time to blog more, i hope.

Tech DNA

My techie nature cannot be denied. My position as a sales dog will shortly be changing. I am to move to the counter. Still a sales position, but much more tech oriented. I will deal face to face with people as they enter our store. They will know what they want, or at least that they want something. My job will be to get it for them, or guide them into what they need and then get it for them.
I know that anyone can learn to be a salesperson. At least that’s what they say. (i’m not sure who ‘they’ are but ‘they’ seem to know just about everything. This ‘they’ is different from the ‘they’ spoken of above that will come to the counter for stuff. There seems to be a very large number of theys out there.) I haven’t been given any real instruction on sales, but neither have i actively sought out any either. There is no blame here, only facts. The fact is, i have not sold much. My company cannot afford to carry a person who doesn’t carry their own weight.
Anyway i look forward to the counter. Actually it is what i figured i would do here before the owner suggested the strictly sales position. I look forward to using my HVAC knowledge to help those who need parts or equipment. My challenge will be to talk less, and to guide those who come in into upgrades when appropriate. (you don’t buy parts for an older piece of equipment that cost half what newer equipment does – you upgrade, make your life easier and save energy with your new equipment while helping hug trees and saving the planet, as well as saving yourself money on the fuel to operate it.) That’s called win-win.
I think this is a perfectly appropriate time to reveal my identity. Not sure why. But the corporation is long behind me. They cannot hurt me anymore. In fact the other day i had occasion to put on my corporate labeled hat and jacket when going out to do some old fashioned teching. “The oven will not shut off.” Kitchen overheating, and somewhat of an inconvenience. After a little investigation all was fixed and back to normal.
Anyway, who am i? Name is Norm. AKA “Vlux Delux” and a few other handles i’ve picked up through the years. If you see this man on the street >>> well i need to do some learning before i add a photo, sorry.
Anyway hi, i will relate more at another time.
Have a great weekend end.

Time Flies

Well not in the air. It’s sort of a fourth dimension thing. Actually what i meant to say is i haven’t checkd in in a while. Been too busy. That tends to happen this time of year. It’s a good busy though. The usual holiday fare – food, family, fun etc.
None the less, the blog has been neglected. Things are still very good. I don’t know how to increase my sales to where they (should be?) but the guy who has done it in the past can’t convey to me how to do it. Progress is gradual but in the general correct direction – up.
I still don’t know what i want to be when i grow up. Of course i have been saying that for years. Only because it’s true. Many people are like me in that respect – they come across a job that pays the bills, they get a few more bills, maybe some kids or extra cars or what ever, they work harder at their accidental career, get more pay and the cycle keeps going and they find they spent their (job) life at something they never planned and didn’t want to really do. That’s why they call it work.
So at least i have verbalized most of my life that there must be something better, something i would really like to do and get paid for (handsomely?) So time flies in more than one way – short term and long term.
Well hope all is well with you – Merry Christmas! I will try to be more faithful to the blog, and to have something to entertain you.

Another Great Weekend

Well this is late Sunday evening, the garbage is out and it’s time for bed. Just wanted to say Thank You to Jesus for an excellent weekend. Some good chores got done yesterday and today was a great family day. After church the kids and grandkids came over, we all hung together, ate together, chilled together, and generally were together. The women got to go shopping, the men folk looked at a piece of Real Estate, the grand kids were played with and taken good care of.
It truly doesn’t get any better than this. I am so thankful to be so blessed and what’s even better that that is that i am able to realize and appreciate how much of a blessing this is.
Worth saying over and over: Thank You Lord, Thank You.

Sales is Still Work

Well how are you today/tonight/whatever? I’m doing ok.
Let me tell you a little more about my new job. It’s still a job. If you are one who looks down on sales people as those who don’t work – you’re wrong. This stuff doesn’t just happen by itself. You know that old saying (very very very old) that says:
“Build a better mouse trap, and the world will beat a path to your door.”
Well that may have been true a really long time ago. Probably only when there were no mouse traps, then someone invented it. Presto! There was the instant stream of mouse ravaged customers beating a path. But the guy next door, he noticed the trap builder just sitting around half the time, and counting his trap money. So the next guy goes into the trap business. Then another. Etc. Now you can have the best digital trap around, but you have to let your mouse infested public know a few things.
1 – Your trap is better, but doesn’t cost that much more – it’s a far better value.
2 – Yours has a better guarantee.
3 – You offer free shipping.
4 – You will take the competitors worthless busted traps as a trade in
5 – You will come and take the dead mice out for them.
If all this is true, but you don’t shout it from the rooftops, and the other guy has a bigger sign, the mouse public suffers, because they unknowingly buy his cheesy (Ha Ha!) traps and miss out on your better made, guaranteed, freely shipped, we empty units. And then you go out of business because you have to keep a staff of emptyers ready, and people are dumping their own dead mice because they didn’t know that they didn’t have to.
SO, it’s my job to call and call and call and visit and call. Quote, quote, quote. Call, call, call. Quote.
My mouse traps are better because . . . . . . . . . . . etc.
So anyway it’s still a job, but i like it better anyway. I am getting past the confusion stage, and starting into the production phase. I get to talk to people all day, instead of machines and myself as i make things work. So far, so good.
I’ll keep you posted.