Note the clear cloudless sky! only one thing wrong when u have a clear cloudless sky in winter:
Stinkin cold! An end to this I say!! Lets get spring in here ASAP.
Thanks for listening.
So here’s the most basic principle about using firewood for heat – r u ready? DRY WOOD. Yeah about right now ur saying to yourself “is this guy for real?” Well just hold on a minute. Its true this is rather obvious but – you’d never know it by the way lots of people store their fuel. Firewood should be cut & split the year before u use it. This is a minimum. At LEAST a year. But as i drive around it is common to see firewood piled with no cover. Guess what, this aint a desert climate. Rain happens. Snow too and both will dampen that uncovered wood. If u leave it on the ground it soaks up moisture from that as well. Hey, there’s no reason for that. Grab any of the trillion or so waste pallets lying around and keep ur wood off the ground. And put something over it even if its just a tarp. Lets remember to use some common sense.
For POTHOLES I mean? For most of February the potholes have been getting worse. This is unusual for the middle of winter. Fairly normal for spring in this area. For like the end of March or April. Potholes reveal how inferior our roadways are to ordinary rock.
Potholes are simple erosion. Water enters a crack in the roadway sometime when the temp is above freezing. Then the temp goes below 32 and the water freezes. As you know water increases in size when it changes from liquid to solid (just ask anyone whose pipes have frozen and split!). Well the same thing happens to the paving. The water expands into ice, and the road splits. The ice holds everything in position, usually supporting the traffic as well. That is until the weather turns warmer. Water is not as supportive as ice. The road surface comes apart. Vehicles destroy it and push the debris out of the hole. Viola! A pothole.
So anyway this is early, but I guess just a part of this snowy, long, cold, real winter.
Too bad our roads aren’t made of granite. The key is remembering where the road has blown up and navigating around the craters.
I think the title says it all.
Why am i up bloging at 4:52 am you ask? Well i’m at work, and the workday is winding down. U may recall i work 6 pm to 6 am. This schedule affects my days off as well. Sometimes on a day off i wake up at say 2:30 am. My body has gotten some rest but due to my night shift it thinks it should b awake. Usually not worth trying to force myself back to sleep. Such is my life currently. Would like to find a job on days, near my home (remember my hour commute?)
Hey! Enough already! this winter weather stinks. I much prefer fake winter to real winter. Snow is work. yeah it can be fun but that’s mostly if you’re a kid or going skiing/riding. i’m not either. we just survived a 1 foot snowfall, now we may b infor another one tomorrow.
Please hurry spring. PLEASE . . . . p.s. about 10 below this morning
Hurray! I can see my contacts again!
My previous phone had lost the display. So over 200 contacts – inaccessible.
Phone still worked, and luckily my family was still accessible via the one key speed dials. Also they all had a different ring so i could tell it was one of them calling.
But how many people do you know who keep a printout of their contact list, so they can manually enter the numbers? Yeah, i thought so.
Fortunately my new phone waiting period was up just 2 weeks after this occurred. So this morning, a little bleary eyed, i went to the phone store and picked up a new LG Chocolate 3. So far this is a really cool phone – and – i can see my contacts again!
It’s just pathetic we rely on these gizmos so much. Why, back when i was a boy . . . . well you know. Let’s face it we all love (more or less) our phones, and especially the convenience.
Hopefully my next post will be more useful. I just wanted to let someone know of my relief of having a new, cool WORKING phone.
Maybe i should get the insurance – but it just seems way overpriced to me.
HI – Yes i’m still here. By here i mean living.
Still alive but not all that well. Still at the parts place, boss still wants me to sell and i don’t got no sales DNA.
actively looking for another tech gig
Truly there is no greener grass, though it always looks greener.
I’ll try to be more faithful to the blog thing. Later.
Well how are you today/tonight/whatever? I’m doing ok.
Let me tell you a little more about my new job. It’s still a job. If you are one who looks down on sales people as those who don’t work – you’re wrong. This stuff doesn’t just happen by itself. You know that old saying (very very very old) that says:
“Build a better mouse trap, and the world will beat a path to your door.”
Well that may have been true a really long time ago. Probably only when there were no mouse traps, then someone invented it. Presto! There was the instant stream of mouse ravaged customers beating a path. But the guy next door, he noticed the trap builder just sitting around half the time, and counting his trap money. So the next guy goes into the trap business. Then another. Etc. Now you can have the best digital trap around, but you have to let your mouse infested public know a few things.
1 – Your trap is better, but doesn’t cost that much more – it’s a far better value.
2 – Yours has a better guarantee.
3 – You offer free shipping.
4 – You will take the competitors worthless busted traps as a trade in
5 – You will come and take the dead mice out for them.
If all this is true, but you don’t shout it from the rooftops, and the other guy has a bigger sign, the mouse public suffers, because they unknowingly buy his cheesy (Ha Ha!) traps and miss out on your better made, guaranteed, freely shipped, we empty units. And then you go out of business because you have to keep a staff of emptyers ready, and people are dumping their own dead mice because they didn’t know that they didn’t have to.
SO, it’s my job to call and call and call and visit and call. Quote, quote, quote. Call, call, call. Quote.
My mouse traps are better because . . . . . . . . . . . etc.
So anyway it’s still a job, but i like it better anyway. I am getting past the confusion stage, and starting into the production phase. I get to talk to people all day, instead of machines and myself as i make things work. So far, so good.
I’ll keep you posted.