WW Derby 03

This poor guy.  He capsized upstream out of our view.  but not too far away, he had probably gone at least 3 miles from the put in and done fairly well.  The people at the house u see actually went into the creek and retrieved his boat.  A little crazy, a companion had the boat fetcher by the collar so he wouldn’t wash away.  anyway our intrepid paddler walks down to where his boat was and decides he’s going to go on from there. Brave lad!


Well he didn’t get too far.  maybe 10 feet and into it again.


But he was unharmed, except perhaps his pride.  There is nothing to be ashamed of.  Another boat of his friends got dunked way upstream from there and the fiberglass hull was split open.  I talked with a race organizer when helping load up the broken boat.  This was maybe 2 hours after the official start of the race, and he said there were 35 boats unaccounted for at that point.  No news today of anyone hurt so that’s what is really important.

These guys (and some gals) are all far braver than i am.  i only do flat water paddling.  btw the water temp was somewhere in the 30s.  Yikees!!


WW Derby 01

Here’s what i did for fun yesterday.  There is a local White Water Derby and i was lucky enough to have a ringside seat.  The water is around 3 feet higher than last year they say.




Stay tuned for pics of some paddlers!


Game Farm 03

Can u get your dogs (or cats!) to do this? I don’t think so.  But these pets are a little more expensive to keep.

Picture 053

Most Beautiful Birds? I wish i had a pic of the full spread tail.

Picture 034

Stay tuned for more!

Paddling 01

My New Boat!!!!!!!  Ya i’m so excited!  just got me an awesome touring kayak.

Its a Clear Water Design – Gaspe.  16 feet, with rudder, ergonomic seat w/ pump up lumbar support, and a great paddle.


Got it used (but not abused).  This will b perfect for our annual wilderness camping trips.  And now that i own my own boat i can go for short paddles around here just to enjoy the water.


I would just like to thank the Lord, and also Bob who sold me this fine craft.



Wood is Good 09 – Growing More Firewood

Below u see a stump on my property.  The power company came thru and cleared trees from under the power line last year.  The trees want to keep growing and there’s life still in the roots.



In order to concentrate the effort,  i select the strongest straightest shoot. The others are removed.  We will see how this works out.


My theory is better one fat healthy trunk than a bunch of little ones all dividing the strength of the tree.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



HEY – I know that the official date of spring is not April Fools Day,  BUT

check this shot of my cars OAT reading:


It hasn’t been this nice since, since, since – well a really long time.

Out for a drive today i saw a large raptor (hawk not dinosaur) floating a thermal.  SWEET!  thats hot air rising baby!!
