This is a “Milk Snake”. Harmless and kind of pretty. What i cant figure is the name – What does this snake have to do with milk?
Unknown to me. if u have any info, please share.
Have a great day.
I tried to stitch it together into one large photo but the software i have used to do this before ( See this post, the panorama shot was stitched) would not work. i think becuz perhaps the one shot has the skeleton darker than the other. So i’m not pointing fingers, just wish i could make one large shot.
But u get the idea ya?
This is a replica not a real dino btw.
Here’s why they call the area Aspen:
These r aspen trees i believe. During Autumn the leaves turn beautiful golden yellow. They are taking a winters nap in this shot.
The Crystal Dome.
Now here’s what may b the most amazing fact about this whole series: Carlsbad Cavern is a public treasure that u can visit. The oldest known in the region it was found (by white men) over a hundred years ago. But there are many others nearby that the park service is exploring. The area where this cave is located is laced with many caverns like this. This is just the tip of the stone iceberg.
If you look at the first picture u can see Diamond Head. It’s the peak of the volcano that formed the island. Though it doesn’t look very tall from the picture it is the island’s highest point. I have visited this island, it is totally awesome. I even surfed. You should too if u ever have the chance.